Unfortunately, Boo! has passed, after a brief battle with a very aggressive form of cancer. Dook in Peace, Boo! 🐾🌈💔
Please see our tribute to him for more details.
Boo! is proud to announce his candidacy for the position of Mimico Pet Mayor.
A 3 year old albino ferret residing on Queens Ave, Boo feels he is the natural choice to represent Mimico’s pets. An alumnus of the Ferret Aid Society, Boo will work for all pets, championing the policies “Adopt Don’t Shop,” and “Pets for Life.” And, as a cousin of the minks and skunks who populate Mimico, Boo can liaise with both household pets and local wildlife.

The friendliest fellow you’ll ever meet, Boo never gets upset, as he knows how to grin and ferret. He has the boundless energy to achieve the impawssible, while always making time to cuddle with his constituents. In addition, he brings a lifetime of business experience (a group of ferrets is called a “business”).
Boo enjoys late night walks throughout the neighbourhood, playing in Mimico’s many parks, and curling up with his business partners, Wren and Azula.

Although “ferret” comes from the Latin for “stinky little thief,” Boo promises to run a clean campaign, and has only the highest respect for all pets in the running, and their hoomans. With that said, Boo is determined to stash your hearts, and your votes. After all, Boo is the only candidate who can truly promise “Boo’s for All!”